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Rich Scav Poor Scav: What the Rich USECs Teach Their Hatchlings About Interchange That the Poor BEARs Do Not!

It comes down to four words: Outdoor Interchange cache runs.

So, you are starting to learn the game, or have been playing for a while, and you are struggling to come into money consistently? Well then this guide is for you! Here we will take a comprehensive look at running Outdoor Interchange like a pro to make your millions!

How do you know what you are talking about?

I have been an Interchange main since my first raid and have since mastered the map. Interchange is my go to money running map due to it's ease and insane safety. I've run Interchange hundreds of times and know every spawn and the best routes from each to maximize profits!

Who is this run for?

Anyone! Outdoor Interchange runs have a lot to offer. Whether you are a Timmy looking to get your first million for Scav Junk Box, a midgame pseudo-chad that needs XP, or a grizzled vet that needs Punisher Part 6 kills, Outdoor Interchange can deliver! I've used these runs to upgrade my hideout, get collector items for Kappa, or just to fund a night with the squad.

If you ain't talking money, I don't wanna talk…how much can you make per run?

I've collected some data leading up to making this post, and my runs average 300k per run with each run taking about 20 minutes or less. Amazing runs net 600k, and bad ones bring in 150k. It ends up looking like a bell curve of bad, average, and amazing runs. Deaths average about 1 in 8 runs, usually to an extract camper or PvP mistakes. Most of the time I make 3Mil in one play session, and this is not including any armors, barter items, collector items, etc. that I keep for myself.

What do I need to bring?

Depends on the level of gear you want to rock, but these routes will work with any level of gear you want to take. At the minimum, an SKS or handgun and a backpack. Anything else just adds to the level of safety. 4×5 Backpacks are best, anything less will significantly reduce your profits. Ideally you throw on a pilgrim or another similar large backpack to maximize profit. I would advise not wearing a rig, as these are quite common on the route, but that is up to you (you can always insurance fraud).


There are 5 areas you can spawn in:

  • Red spawns. NW spawns near railroad. Your extract is going to be emercom. These are the ideal spawns!
  • Purple spawns. SW spawns on the road or in scav checkpoint. Your extract is going to be emercom. The worst spawns considering you are going to have to double back at some point, more on that later.
  • Yellow spawns. SE spawns at emercom. Your extract is railroad. These spawns are ideal as well!
  • Orange spawns. There are a couple spawns on this Eastern road by Hole in Fence. Your extract is railroad. This is probably the most dangerous spawn, but that is relative to the other spawns. I'll give you the tricks to survive here.
  • Blue spawn AKA power-station spawn. Your extract is emercom. If your backpack is large enough, this is the most profitable spawn for these runs.


Caches are the name of the game for outdoor interchange. I am going to refer to the caches as if you know what I am referencing. If you don't, pull up a map, filter by cache, and follow along. I will go through each spawn and what route to follow, places to watch for, etc…

  • Red (NW) spawns: Right when you spawn in you can rush the highway to see if you can pop any PMCs as they head towards the mall. After which you can move on to looting the 5 railroad caches (Rubble, bush, rubble 2, tree, tree 2). Once looted, approach the highway with caution, there is a chance that a purple (SW) spawn PMC is coming through the checkpoint. Either wait to see if someone comes through for a free kill, or move on. Clearly, kill and loot any scavs as you go through checkpoint. Once through, hit the median cache and billboard cache. As you move on to the next set of caches on the way to extract, keep your head on a swivel again as around here is where you might hit a yellow (SE) spawn PMC. Loot up caches, and extract! Majority of runs you will not see a single PMC!
  • Purple (SW) spawns: These spawns are annoying, but your best bet is to immediately leg it to and through scav checkpoint. Don't loot caches on your way. Once through checkpoint, hang a left into the woods and immediately ADS. 1/4 times a PMC will be face down in the cache for you to pop. 1/4 of the time you will see a PMC and his squad-mate crossing the highway confirming you are safe to loot all railway caches. The other 1/2 of the times you won't see anyone and will have free range. From here you are good to do the same run as above.
  • Yellow (SE) spawns: Rush campsite caches. Loot southern caches as you move west. watch for purple spawn PMCs who have opted to go straight for the same caches instead of heading north like above. Watch out for red (NW) spawn PMCs at checkpoint. Railroad caches then extract.
  • Orange (E) spawns: The way I operate is that if I spawn orange, then I assume every nearby spawn is also active. That is, someone is north of you at power, and someone is south of you at emercom. Trial and error has shown me going towards emercom and not power is the safest bet. Don't use the main road…head south and hang a left into the car park with the door in the back. Take that door into the emercom "woods" watch your corners as you go through some guys wait for you to come through here. Once through check to see if you can get the drop on any yellow (SE) spawn PMCs heading into Oli. Hit the rock cache, APC, and then move on to the campsite. Make the above run (yellow).
  • Blue (power) spawns: The gold standard spawn for outdoor interchange. Immediately loot the cache, office, and jackets. Turn on power if you feel like a good Samaritan (I usually do because the activation of the safe room exfil sometimes baits people into rushing you). Follow the north road west. Expect a PMC to be behind or passing the cars on your right. Hit the weapon crate, rock cache, then head up the billboard tower. Take a moment to assess and make sure no one is running around construction or the go kart track. Once you feel safe, hit the Go Kart caches, broken highway cache, then leg it to railway. Do a red run from here!


Interchange cache runs are stupid safe, really lucrative, quick, and generally quite fun as there will be enough action to keep you interested. The way my general play works is I will scav, interchange, interchange, scav, whatever I want to play for an entire session, then one more interchange before I get off. Doing this, I have not dropped below 2mil roubles since level 15!

Good luck and may the slicks flow like water.


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