I found the new "Shared bedroom marked key" for Lighthouse expansion area so I went there to loot and explore. On my second time over there, heard an english voice line and turned around and it was 3 Rogues in the middle area past the houses (basically where they are in the screenshot). Managed to get all 3 because I was inside when they spotted me and I had a mosin on me.
Related: pretty decent loot as well in the expansion area. There are a few jackets and a bunch of weapon crates and duffles. A lot is packed into the two buildings. I've hit the marked key room twice and first time had nothing, second time had a vase, gold chain, and roler. No weapons. Seems like Hillside House type of key.
Source: https://www.reddit.com/r/EscapefromTarkov/comments/vocuvx/rogues_spawn_at_the_lighthouse_expansion/