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Some tips for solo players / new players in general

  • learn your maps and where other players spawn

  • if you want to avoid pvp, wait 10 min at start of raid. furthermore avoid gunshots if you don’t want to get involved

  • always go with a silenced gun

  • walk in zones where you have lots of cover around you. sprint in sections that are open.

  • always use a laser/ flashlight on your gun but only enable it right before shooting

  • use the best headphones out of game and ign that you can get. hearing them before they hear you is your biggest advantage (I like the Comtacs personally)

  • confuse your enemy and take a pompom with you and switch to it late in the raid (~20 min left). most less experienced player scavs will take you for a scav and avoid shooting. protected me more than a helmet late raid

  • there is always one more. if you kill someone, immediately retread and circle the area before you jump to looting the PMC

  • try and use good gear early wipe (T4 armour always, and ammo that pens class 4. use any T-5/6 rigs that you may find mid wipe, once more people run good pen ammo). good gears job is to be on your body, not in your stash. this makes you win most gunfights early on as many players are scared to take decent kits.

  • night raids are great for completing quests as a solo imo. the AI is far less lethal at night and many players avoid pvp too as they just want to get their quests done

  • imo your quest/mission determines how trigger happy you should be towards PMCs. you see a PMC passing by who didn’t see you? don’t shoot unless you feel it’s necessary / gives you an advantage / is a 80% safe and easy kill / he’s a threat to you / blocks your off from questing somewhere. killing PMCs for gear/money doesn’t make sense early wipe as most people run cheap kits and a quick scav run makes 10x more profit than some dudes use up AK-47U. ofc that doesn’t account if you’re on a kill PMC mission

  • learn to slow lean peek against AI. they usually don’t detect you if you thorax is not in their sight. easy kills also on raiders etc

  • clicking „Filter Requested“ on an item usually shows you if there is a barter for it. you can often save a lot of Rubels bartering for a suppressor / rig etc instead of buying it for Rubels

  • watch experienced solo players on YouTube that also like to explain a lot of what they do ign. I learned a ton of stuff this way. Gigabeef, SirHansVader, Airwingmarine are a few of my favourite streamers / content creators

  • don’t be afraid to ask here for help. the Tarkov community is usually very friendly and helpful in my opinion

PS fyi 2nd wipe here, 800 hours deep


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