I don't really know if anyone is doing streams of Valheim but if they were, then I think the following would be entertaining.
TL:DR: Everyone puts $10 in and the last survivor AFTER you've defeated the Final Boss takes all. If everyone dies before then? Then it rolls over and everyone puts another $10 in the pot.
- Start a multiplayer server with ten friends/streamers in the same time zone.
- Switch off the map
- Set GUI to Zero
- No mods.
- Play on a shared server.
- Turn friendly fire on.
If you die then:
Option 1. You have to start a new character but your gravestone is up for grabs.
Option 2. You can't play on that server anymore but you can join in the commenting and heckling
(I put two options because it's good to check in with people and follow favourites and it may not be possible to finish the game.)
Things you probably want.
- To pay for a server and to agree a gaming/streaming time. Twice a week could be good. Don't want to overtire your audience.
- Everyone shows up even after they've been killed (assuming option 1)
- Agree that all tips will be split between the players, in or out, after you've covered the cost of the server. That way if you derp and get hit by a tree then you are still contributing in terms of effort and still getting paid. It seems pretty likely that you'd make more money with tips split 10 ways then you would from the prize. ($90 – cost of server hire + tips /10).
- A mod to banhammer white supremacists and hate speech people and griefers.
Anyway, there's probably some reason Twitch bans having fun this way, but IDC, I think it sounds very watchable, but I don't particularly want to play that way because I suck.
Source: https://www.reddit.com/r/valheim/comments/vvwsrq/stream_idea_ultimate_realism_modecompetition/