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Super Easy Naked Ledx Runs (0 investment, easy millions)

I was able to snag 3 LEDX tonight as a naked PMC on shoreline. Did 12 runs.

2 player encounters out of the 12 runs.

Just join Bornheau, St-Louis, Chicago or Washington DC servers on shoreline, its absolute comedy.

4/12 runs, whole server is fucked, all scavs walking in place, all PMC's stuck at spawn. You can loot whole raid without any encounters. Bring a big bag, and keys, this is free money. You don't DC and the server continues as normal, essentially just single player without scavs.

5/12 runs, about half the server is fucked, most scavs still frozen, and many PMC's as well, still hear shots or nades in distance, only saw one player in these servers. Loot big ticket boxes and get out.

3/12 runs, normal, but laggy, quick loot and leave, follow edges of map to avoid players so you have a chance at another 75% free loot server.

Hopefully this goes on tomorrow evening as well. Made easily 9 million, I don't think there's a more efficient way to farm rubles ATM.


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