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Technical Update patch notes

From the forums (

● Technical improvements and fixes for AI Scavs;
● Fixed several geometry, collider, foliage, and lighting issues on different locations;
● Fixed an error that could sometimes cause hit registration issues on crouch-walking players;
Fixed several errors that caused inventory freezes and locked weapon operations, such as:
○ when multiple players used an item from one container at the same time;
○ when unloading an SKS carbine with a detachable magazine;
○ when trying to fix a misfire on an SVDS or MP9 by reloading;
● NcSTAR MPR45 Backup mount can now be installed on Daniel Defense RIS II FSP 9.5 handguard;
● Fixed an error that caused a player to be unable to leave the Scav item transfer screen if they had previously transferred any item from the stash to the sorting table;
● Fixed a stretched BEAR patch on the BEAR Zaslon jacket.


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