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There needs to be an alternative way to discover boss locations

New Valheim update

For the record, I've played this game since it first came out. It quickly became one of my favorite games and still is. Since it's still in early access, I'd like to share one of my biggest annoyances with the game: the inability to discover bosses naturally and a lack of alternative methods to discover the next boss.

I'm on something like my 10th playthrough. On my current playthrough I'm just shy of 400 in-game days, playing solo, and I've wiped out about fifteen Plains biomes – and I'm not counting the tiny insignificant ones. I'm talking Plains biomes with at least one Goblin Camp, but most had 2-3. The result? Not a single vegvisir runestone for Yagluth. Even worse, I know it's also possible I skimmed one over due to their relatively small size. I have around 50 goblin totems sitting at home and have had fully upgraded plains gear for probably 100 in-game days.

Before any of you suggest I plug my seed into the map generator; I'm fully aware this exists. This doesn't solve the issue with the game, however, and I personally don't want to lookup my map's seed as I find it pretty cheesy. I prefer naturally progressing through the game.

I'm open to any alternative method of discovering new bosses, even an improvement on the current system would be appreciated. Here are three possible ideas I thought of:

  1. After the player has collected X number of boss-spawning items, it reveals the closest vegvisir on their map.
  2. The Merchant could sell you a map location for a vegvisir location.
  3. When the player gets close enough to a vegvisir, it will be marked on their map in the same way the Merchant icon appears.

Point is, the player should not be completely gatekept from progression in this manner; it feels entirely arbitrary and eventually becomes unfun/demotivating because you begin to stagnate. Many people do not have an exorbitant amount of free time to play games, and they should not be forced to lookup their map seed just to continue progression. An alternative method of discovering boss locations would be a great addition.


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