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Tips for new players

  1. Do quests. Keep the wiki up on a seperate monitor or phone and really hammer these out. Once dealers are at 4 loyalty, guns and ammo get really cheap.

  2. Kinda 1.5. Run 1 map at a time unless its holding up your quest progression. Save up 2-4 quests on a map and try to get multiple done at one time.

  3. Use your scav to learn maps you dont know. Also use offline mode if you need to.

  4. Learn a way to make easy money. There are tons of methods whether you run stashes, shoreline resort, reserve raiders….or whatever…. just do a little research and find something you like.

  5. Money management. Pick a number you aren't comfortable with going under. When you get to that number do your money runs before continuing the join and die cycle when trying to hammer out that one pain in the ass quest.

  6. Consistency. Find a gun/sight combo you like and use it A LOT. once you feel like you have mastered it then you can swap if you want.

  7. Servers are important. Changing your server to one with a higher matching time generally means less chads are on it and quests/money runs become easier to do. Lower matching times are great for getting pmc kills if you are after that as well.

  8. Don't be afraid to run nighttime raids. Once you know a map well, try running it at night if you need to be sneaky or rat around.

  9. Hideout. Get this thing maxed(but don't go below your lower money limit to do it.) A lot of the crafts give decent profit and you can make things for quests. Currently I make 7.62 BP for less than 200 rubles a round and use this as my main ammo type.

  10. Manage Greed. Greed will get you killed and broke 9/10 times. Extracting with decent loot and your kit is better than extracting with no loot and no kit.

  11. Use your brain and don't be lazy. There is tons of good information in the form of videos or forum posts out there for this game. Tarkov really rewards you for the effort you put into it. Game knowledge is king.

There are tons more tips I could offer but hopefully these 11 will help any new people struggling to get going on this game.


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