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To reiterate how useful offline mode is

Hi there,

I’ve been struggling with tarkov for about a week now. Haven’t been able to play consistently or anything so I’ve only got some mild practice in, but I cannot stress the absolute importance of offline mode to a new player.

I kept losing so many engagements, with scavs or players. I just could not get used to the way that Tarkov played, whether that be the meds or guns or the movement, but then iread here a few days ago that only do scav runs, and play offline factory with a large amount of scavs to get used to pvp whilst your scav timer was up, and as soon as it was down do another scav run.

This has been invaluable in not only learning factory quickly for me, but finally getting a hang of the gunplay and being damaged in a raid. As soon as I started doing this, I headed to a customs raid with nothing but a pistol and beamed 3 guys in the head and went from 10k roubles to 1m, as I unlocked the flea market (finally) in that run.

Offline factory with a high amount of scavs will teach you how the scavs work, how to use your gun, it will teach you that hip firing your gun is not a bad idea at all, and more. It has been so important in me finally getting the hang of the movement and pvp in this game, as a tf2/overwatch player and I’m sure it’ll help many more.

However, only use weapons in this mode you actually plan to use in raid. If you have a kitted the fuck out m4 in your stash that you aren’t going to use due to gear fear, do not practice with it. Practice with that grach that you don’t give a shit about, that you’ll take into a raid.

Use offline mode!!!


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