So I just killed the elder and I’m not good at this game. I’ve been playing it almost since the beginning like more than 2 years I think. Trolls are still difficult for me. But I had an idea.
I raised up the earth around the shrine and put spikes facing inward and outward. I summoned it and got it down to like 70% by hiding behind the columns and shooting fire arrows. Then it killed me.
Took me a few days to get good enough gear and food again and I portaled back. It was still up and had healed itself, but it couldn’t leave the shrine due to my earth walls. So I was able to burn it down with arrows from the outside relatively easily.
I knew the trolls would be visiting me soon and I’m not that good at killing one let alone three at once. So I built a new house right on the shrine. It’s beautiful and the fire inside is amazing. When the trolls came they couldn’t get inside and I shot them from my third story porch.
The end 😄❤️🎁