Valheim Plus on Steam Deck

How to build a large and tall house in Valheim

Recently got this to work on steam deck following these steps:

1) Download

2) Extract and copy files to Valheim game folder

3) Open Terminal from Valheim game folder

4) Enter the following commands into terminal (minus the quotations):

  1. "cd .." – the first command will take you out of the Valheim directory into the directory called 'common'
  2. "sudo chown -R deck:deck Valheim" – the second will make all the files inside the Valheim directory be owned by the user called 'deck' and the group called 'deck'
  3. "sudo chmod -R 777 Valheim" – third command will change the permissions on all the files inside the Valheim directory to have read+write+execute

5) after that you open steam and go into Valheim's properties and you set the launch options to

./ ; echo %command%


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