Hey folks, this is Aiming4Gaming, and today I prepared a showcase for Guan Yu's Oriental Castle in Valheim!
If you prefer watching video instead of reading –
For those who like text and pictures – they're right below!
The castle overview
The idea comes from Siheyan, which, in my opinion, fits the styling of Three Kingdoms (which was my goal, as I built this castle in my 100 days hardcore video, playing as Guan Yu).
Smelting Area
With all iron I need each time I start playing, I think I'd spent here 30% of my time (and another 30% in swamps).
Blacksmith House
This building is right next to smelting area, as I usually transport ingots overweighted. There is still enough space for future upgrades! And storage area right next to it!
The kitchen
My goal was to make it not too big, and with positive vibes! Ah, and hooks for barbeque, I like barbeque!
The Garden
This is a perfect place to relax and breath some fresh air!
Throne Room
Maxed out comfort, as throne was placed to get Maypole bonus!
Trophy Room
If you don't have a trophy room, you should definitely get one!
A perfect place to store shiny stuff like gold and… weapons?
I have a bed, a bathtub, glass windows… I should probably get a wife as well, I'm so lonely… BTW, that Greyling on day 4 looked attractive!
Forget I said this…
Work Area
I need to process some items somewhere or transport them. This area is right next to Smelting one!
Portal room
Yeah, as you know from my other posts like
Now Guan Yu can wait for his brothers in this castle, so I'll mead for that!
If you want to watch more guides – they can be found on my Anyway, thank you for reading to this point, and see you later!
Source: https://www.reddit.com/r/valheim/comments/12yo1ce/valheim_showcase_oriental_castle_for_guan_yu/