Heya all,
I got bored at work again so I updated the
Now featuring less clutter and more links straight to the wiki to see barters and exact quests that the items are needed for! I also added a section for needed quest armors and equipment outside of the gunsmith quests.
Please use together with the wiki and eft-loot to figure out the exact value of the items in your precious stash space and never ask again on what loot items you should keep!
As always: please leave me any feedback, I plan to keep this spreadsheet updated for when any new items come out or different barters are introduced. I want the information to be streamlined so one can easily figure out the value at a glance. This spreadsheet currently is only for
I also stream on twitch
Thank you very much for checking it out and I hope it can help at least one of you here!
Source: https://www.reddit.com/r/EscapefromTarkov/comments/ett6az/value_per_slot_spreadsheet_v2/