Weapon skill training and coal farming tip

Valheim – Quick Tips to Start

Hi, I got this idea I wanted to share, might not be the newest idea but it's for both training any weapon skill and farming materials to turn into coal.

Main idea is to go Swamp and try find area with 2 body piles that spawns draugrs. Put your portal nearby so you can go and repeat training your weapon skills whenever you want.

Some tips: make sure you have rested bonus so you gain more xp. Have some good quality of foods, good armor and few health potions just in case (sometimes there spawns 1 or 2 star draugrs and elites that can hit a lot).

Instructions below:

  1. Find POI with 2 body pile spawners in Swamps (don't destroy them!)
  2. Kill draugrs with a weapon of choice you want to train
  3. Farm entrails and draugr trophies (spare elite trophies if you want to craft Iron Sledge)
  4. Put entrails and trophies into Obliterator
  5. Pull lever – get coal
  6. Rest, repair your gear, eat some foods
  7. Repeat from 2.





Source: https://www.reddit.com/r/valheim/comments/vs87wa/weapon_skill_training_and_coal_farming_tip/

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