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Xbox Wishlist

Walheim - five bosses

Playing on Xbox without mods, on a dedicated server. Absolutely loving the game and have put more hours than is healthy on a game that I wasn't looking forward to and just gave a test run before falling hard.

And I recognize the game is still in active (if small and far between) development, and that the devs don't really consider reddit as an active communication channel.

But here's my wishlist so far:
– Coarse wood, core wood and ancient wood furniture. I think some fine wood items look good, but most could belong to a lower quality of wood, and darkwood looks great.
– Core wood log walls and evergreen nettle roof pieces
– Ancient wood walls and mossy roof pieces (that don't take water damage)
– Traditional video game ladders to go with current stair types
– 4x wood beams
– Copper, Tin, Bronze and Iron 'joint' pieces that could be used to hide beam seams
– The ability to plant mushrooms and berry bushes. Maybe requiring a new farm tool at Iron age
– More boat types, possibly just skins on current classes of boats, that include a slow boat with an animal pen and a low draft, or a boat karve class with a bed to sleep overnight (the 'I'm still sailing' call for a multiplayer server makes this difficult)
– A server notification that someone is trying to sleep would be very nice, and having it as an option similar to 'show my position on the map' could prevent some abuses
– Missing weapon types filled in, like more two handed hammers and axes
– Customization, like Karves and Longboats with different colored sails and matching to one of the current sets (dragon, wolf, bear)
– Bear mobs are suspiciously absent from the black Forrest and meadow zones
– 2×1 roof pieces, and 1×1 roof pieces
– A 3×2 and 3×3 Stakewall Gate
– A 3×2 and 3×3 iron Gate meant to be combined with another Gate instead of having its own frame
– Hitbox changes to weapon swings to include more vertical hit range since the slightest difference in positioning can make enemies impossible to hit despite being aligned with the enemy animation, while enemies can strike more reliably against us.

Still playing, still having a blast, and still seeing the potential of the game. Here's to wishing in one hand.


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