Hey everyone!
SUPA Foundation just announced its unique Pods system for essence farming in their Web3 TCG game, "Internal Conflict." With different versions, rarities, and mutation/affinity types, Pods offer a thrilling way to obtain essence, which is used to upgrade and craft new cards!
Check out the full announcement tweet here:
To farm Mutation Points, users need to own SUPA Organisms. Get yours now at
Pods come in two versions (Virus & SUPACell) and have varying rarities and mutation/affinity types. This flexibility allows players to redeem the type of pod they want using their Mutation Points, based on the type of card essence they're looking for.
Once you've redeemed a pod, the essence received from that pod can be used to upgrade or craft cards. Although players cannot trade essence directly, they have the option to list their pods for sale on the marketplace, allowing other players to purchase them.
Ready to join the world of essence and Pods in "Internal Conflict"? Purchase Pods at
Don't forget to show your support by liking, retweeting, and sharing the tweet! Let's spread the word about this fantastic Web3 TCG game!
Source: https://www.reddit.com/r/NFTGames/comments/12crg2x/discover_supa_foundations_innovative_pods_system/