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1.16. Nerfs and buff to certain tanks. Object 780, Cobra, Lorraine 50T and T34M-54

Object 780

Alpha damage was increased from 490/490/640 to 530/530/640

DPM increases from 2145 to 2320

Terrain resistance was decreased from 1,3/1,8/3,1 to 1,3/1,7/2,5


Alpha on premium HESH was decreased from 515 to 465

Reload time for a magazine was increased form 50s to 57.53s

Intra clip was increased from 1.33s to 2s

Accuracy was decreased from 0.38 to 0.40

Rate of fire went down firm 4.44 to 3.78

DPM went down from 1600 to 1360

Lorraine 50T

Engine power was decreased from 1000hp to 900hp

Horsepower per ton went down from 18.18 hp/t

HP points were decrease from 1900 to 1750

View Range was decreased from 400 to 380


Reload time was increased form 5.94 to 6.42

Accuracy was decreased from 0.37 to 0.39

Turret rotation speed was decreased from 37.55 to 31.29 d/s

Rate of fire went down from 10.09 to 9.34

DPM went down from 1817 to 1681


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