22 rocks of 62.22% Platinum MAPPED Yielding about 733 Tons of ore in about 50 minutes

Rheeney's Radical Platinum Pinnacle…with Proper Pirates map is comprised of 22 platinum rocks each housing 62.22% platinum.

All rocks sit within a Haz Res and have a theoretical yield of 733.04 Tons of Platinum.

The map can be found here: https://imgur.com/gallery/v582TC1

The Map is located in Macua 2 A Ring, please see imgur for details.

After several rounds of testing, our miners found they could complete the map and fill 586 Ton cutters within 50 minutes. (576 Hold + 10 refinery)

The map was Made in the Buur Pit's Mining Company by CMDRs Tiron.Elite, Zengineer__, Rodnaris, & Lynton

Special thank you to our Beta Testers: CMDRs Foqui and Yelts

Enjoy mining Platinum out there!

Source: https://www.reddit.com/r/EliteDangerous/comments/vqzztn/22_rocks_of_6222_platinum_mapped_yielding_about/

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