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A friendly reminder to all players.

For those new here and want to learn about the game or veterans who have killed, explored, and love to take in the sights in this scary yet fascinating galaxy, it’s nice to keep in the back of our minds that we may run out of fuel, there isn’t a star with fuel scoop comparability and there is no way for anyone to help you… or is there? Meet the fuel rats, a player run organization that specialize in player rescue.

You can start communicating them on where you list out your gamer tag, platform, and which version you on (odyssey or Beyond) and will send a ship out to rescue you and transfer fuel. If you are experienced in exploring and have along jump range, you can even join them yourselves. A fuel rats goal is to get as few calls as possible so if you don’t wanna get stranded, always buy a fuel scoop, good luck commanders, Godspeed! O7


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