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Currently learning how to produce, edit and digitally market videos for future experience. These videos will be imperfect as I continue to improve, thank you for understanding.
In May, I announced my sponsorship with SteelSeries and statistical research: approx. 90% of all daily games are influenced by my guides. A total of 2.5 billion games have been played using my guides. Thank you for trusting my guides
Policies outlined: max items per slot, dual core builds, instructional tab titles, more core items end-tail to provide more extension items and more.
For more than 75 weeks straight, guides have been routinely updated and published
Personal life and career highlighted including live-streaming, learning and doing goals with a dual-purpose
As always, for the past 8.5 years, this update is for players who seek updated guides immediately and trust the process: 48-hour first-pass update followed by two weeks of intensive revisions *Guides are a product/service. I update guides weekly with research, data, streams, pro-matches, personal testing, pro feedback & community discussion.
You can always reach me directly if you have suggestions. Even feedback as small as to check out a specific guide helps.
Got the game the day before this last wipe and put about 350 hours into it in the first 2 or 3 months and had tons and tons of fun but got spread too ...