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ApexLeavers Vol 1

На данный момент список ливеров кажется бездоказательным, но в скором сделаю telegram бота отслеживающего ливеров с пруфами , статистикой ливерства и т.д и т.п

At the moment, the list of leavers seems to be unsubstantiated, but in a short time I will do a telegram bot which will track livers with proofs, leaving statistics & etc.

  1. Goram101
  2. atomicshahid
  3. KiroSpy
  4. RoxyDerFuchs
  5. Eternal_091
  6. NebeRiusz
  7. TheCouchGorilla
  8. twitch_ehrencsgo
  9. NekVR
  10. Kamata_lik
  11. Fawkes_AL
  12. BB_3DaysGrace
  13. Yanka35
  14. GrosConnardPute
  15. Cosmoslil
  16. AhriNaynQ
  17. xBorlidox
  18. JUST_in_CASE910
  19. SPADES54321
  20. uuyyyeeee1997
  21. DSK_SpiderMan
  22. huaibiduan
  23. Yuinatsuki-
  24. GMR_Damien
  25. TTEWfr
  26. Rainmes92
  27. AcJlaH6ek
  28. invasionhellene
  29. HardBoy_0000
  30. Kenyuke
  31. Saithomas21
  32. awakensS
  33. iSexualniy
  34. Domstarchik
  35. Ziex9
  36. Sebastiaan161
  37. DeaniPanini_RFC
  38. Darrabaska
  39. VRS_kr1svu rabbit3001
  40. Bastian244
  41. xxNiGhThaWkx
  42. VladLihachov
  43. Eggie02
  44. PerplexinGod
  45. SYFMboi-RSA
  46. XxcristianxX5002
  47. NukeRise
  48. KalleBalleBre
  49. Le_biglouche
  50. MADPIT
  51. GroweZzz
  52. Mesnitell
  53. Ghobbe
  54. not4llie
  55. Sorb5s
  56. aaaa_slojna
  57. SoLaR_XxX228
  58. BadAimExo
  59. Slamzjones
  60. SpaweRO
  61. 120bara
  62. wL-78-Dlanyar
  63. Keroma90
  64. Soperiator
  65. Houmi1uP
  66. Aikidz


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