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BSG TarkovTV #7 Live /w Reddit Questions!

BSG is going live with TarkovTV Live #7. Nikita has gathered questions from the community and will be answering live on stream:

I'll be updating this with Q&As as best as I can. Feel free to add anything and I'll get it included.

Check out their instagrams!

Stream Notes:


Random notes

  • Art department is working on the lighthouse. BSG is focused on this atm. They want to release it before the Streets of Tarkov. 2 Bosses planned atm. More info to come…
  • Top player has around 18k hours.
  • For the most part, BSG is still working from home. Several members have gotten COVID-19, but they're alright. Nikita says to be safe and get your vaccines!
  • They've got 250k concurrent players at the moment. They need more servers and are looking at getting them!

Questions and Answers

  • Flea Market limitations (lvl 20), why did BSG implement this?: BSG wants to prolong early wipe gameplay. Nikita loves the early wipe gameplay, and this is the style of gameplay that he wants to be in EFT. The 'struggle is intended".
    • They are considering implementing earlier implementations to only access certain features. Aka for trader searching, weapon building, etc.
  • Will we be able to access the flea market via the hideout?: This was originally planned for (and still is), we'll just have to wait for it a little more.
  • The Unity 2019 migration: They're working on it, it'll be coming out to the ETS servers. More info to come….
    • What can we expect: Nothing groundbreaking, it'll make it easier for BSG to work on optimizations, networking improvements, easier development.
    • Unity what will be changing? – Lighting, fog, vegetation, everything will be changed.
  • Do you plan on changing the Scav Karma system? (As question was asked, their scav was killed on screen by another scav loool). They do plan on fixing some of the errors, they're evaluating how the current implementation is playing out.
    • Different loyalty levels for Fence was brought up.
  • Should we wait for more activities for scavs or interactive exfils w/ Scav Cooperation? Nikita says he thinks so. They want to encourage different styles of gameplay and cooperation. This is the 1st iteration, patch 12.12 should see some more stuff added.
  • VOIP is planned, he's hoping for patch 12.12
  • Will you allow the hideout upgrades to be incrementally added rather than all at once? Yes it's planned!
  • What if Fence had a service where you could request items, aka a specific key, and he would come back with a couple different offers for a trade for that item? Nikita likes this idea, however he's gotta see how it'll fit in the game and how it'll be designed.
  • Are there any upcoming adjustments to recoil to incentivize burst over full auto? The recoil for the most part is 'settled', they will be tweaking things in the future if need be, adding in additional parameters, making the recoil for individual weapons specific to that weapon. They won't be changing the 'basic recoil system', they'll just be tweaking things.
  • Are there going to be more static spawns for keys, now that flea market is locked behind level 20? BSG just added some barters for the keys, and the scav junkbox to level 1 Therapist to ease the stress for standard version players. This'll give them more times to add in spawns. They might add some quests for some of the harder to find items required to progress. Nikita is definitely open to suggestions. He's always watching things and reading stuffs Relax and drink some juice!
  • When will Unity 2019 drop on ETS? They want to do it this summer.
  • Inertia overhaul? We might see this around patch 12.12.
  • Sound overhaul? Related to the Unity 2019 upgrade. We'll see more additions in 12.12
  • Could you add daily or weekly tasks to help get rep up with Fence? Right now we have ability to boost up the rep. Not every method is getting used right now. Nikita says "We need to know things" to get more rep.
  • With the reduction of higher tier ammo will hide crafts be reduced? Will obtaining this via Fence & high karma happen? Will high karma scavs be able to play on labs? They're considering things, no solid answer.
  • Have you guys considered locking the flea market behind hideout rather than level? Maybe.
  • Can we get a sound countdown when the raid is about to start? Nikita likes this suggestion. He has noted this
  • Are there any more plans for new hideout stuff? New levels, new stations, item creation, etc They want to add more stations and features to the hideout, nothing specific mentioned.
  • Can we get positive scav karma points for extracting without shooting? Can we get bonus karma for looting items? Nikita was hemming and hawing. He saw people 'trading' in raid, and wants to implement something either via UI or player motions to help facilitate this process.
  • There will be a special trader with the Lighthouse map. He will be physically based there and will be very difficult to get to. He'll have a private sniper guard.
  • Suburbs and Town will be DLCs.
  • They still are planning their 'open world' view with being able to traverse between raid locations.
  • Should scav aggression (shots but misses at another scav) be counted as aggressive behavior and thus be able to be killed with no decrease in rep? This will be super hard to implement.


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