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Complete List of Balance Changes for 8.2

witcher gwent cards witcher table

UPDATE: Official Patch Notes have been posted here

Following is what I believe are the complete changes that were announced in the dev stream for upcoming update 8.2. Let me know if I misheard or missed something.

(Note that these are not the official patch notes, also please excuse the spelling/inconsistent wording, I was frantically writing this down live).


Dorregaray –> 6 Power / 6 Prov

Aguara –> 8 Prov

Bombs: Dancing Star –> 4 Prov

Dimeritium Bomb –> Damage 4

Red Haze –> 4 Prov

Vaedermakar –> 6 Prov

Maxii van Dekkar –> 5 Prov (first Gold unit with 5 prov)

Regis –> 3 Power

Scorch –> 11 Prov

Yennefer of Vengerberg –> 10 Prov

Yennefer: Conjurer –> 9 Prov, now has zeal

Xavier Lemmens –> 6 Prov, now has Zeal, Banish 1 card from graveyard (melee: opponent, ranged: own), Cooldown: 1


Overwhelming Hunger leader –> Now only 2 Charges, spawned Ekimmara –> 3 Power, now has 15 Prov

Viy –> 7 Power / 14 Prov

Bridge Troll –> 4 Prov

Rotfiend –> 5 Power

Harpy token that spawns from Deathwish via the Harpy Egg now 6 Power

Katakan –> 5 Power

Phooca –> Now Thrive 2, no Armor, no longer has Veil

Idr –> 7 Prov

Wild Hunt Hound –> 4 prov


Lippy –> 3 Power, 11 Prov

Haern Caduch –> Order now heals by 2

Brokvar Hunter now locked to Ranged Row

Djenge Frett –> 7 Power, 6 Prov

Giant Boar –> 6 Prov, ranged ability can now target allies

Heymaey Flaminica –> 6 Power

Hym –> 7 Prov

Olaf –> 10 Power


Pincer Maneuver –> 16 Prov

Archgriffin –> 6 Power, 9 Prov

Griffin Witcher Ranger –> 2 Power, Formation, Deploy can now target enemy row for boosts

Margarita –> 6 Power / 6 Prov

Reinforced Trebuchet now has Crew: Damage a random enemy by 1 (enemy can be on any row)


Novigradian Justice: now requires setup, Cleaver's muscle now only spawns if you already control a Dwarf or Crownsplitter

Call of Harmony Leader now has 16 Prov, Dana has 7 power

Cat Witcher Saboteur–> 4 Power

Cat Witcher –> Adrenaline: 3

Ciaran –> 5 Power, 6 Prov

Barclay Els –> 6 Prov

Iorveth –> 4 Power

Iorveth's Gambit –> 12 Prov

Morenn –> 5 Power, 6 Prov

Vernossiel's Commando –> 4 Prov


Imprisonment Leader now has 16 Prov

Alba Pikeman now has Bonded: damage a random enemy by 1 (enemy can be on any row)

Auckes –> 6 Power/6 Prov

Experimental Remedy –> 5 Prov

Vypper –> 8 Prov


Salamandra Mage –> 5 /5 Power/Prov, Tribute 4: Damage 3 adjacent units by 2, whenever you pay a Tribute ability, gain 1 coin; Adrenaline 5: Cain 2 coins.

Salamandra Lackey, first time you gain a coin each turn, boost self by 1

Madame Luiza now has Tribute 3: Gain zeal

Kurt –> 6/6 Power/Prov, Deploy melee: place bounty on enemy unit, ranged: purify unit

Collusion –> 10 Prov

Failed Experiment –> 10 Power

Fallen Rayla: Adrenaline 3 –> 5

Salamandra Abomination: Adrenaline 4 –> 6


Players can now click order on Dol Dhu Lokke even when no units are left on the board.

Playing Syanna's order into Matta Hu'uri now correctly draws 2 cards.

Units with vitality/bleeding that are veiled can no longer receive additional vitality/bleeding.


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