Do you want to defend humanity from the "Stargoids" that will arrive in The Bubble in just a few weeks, but have no idea where to begin? Or maybe you just want to hoard supplies that may be in high demand to sell to other Commanders at 1,000% the galactic average in a capitalistic endeavor? Well, let's look at all the goodies that we might need.
I say "might need" because no one knows exactly what we will need for future on-foot or in-ship engineer unlocks or upgrade materials… or if there will even be anything to unlock or upgrade at all. This is purely for the people who wish to be as prepared as possible so that they can jump right into the action. A fleet carrier will be needed to store the commodities, but many of the items are ship-bound materials and data.
Even if you don't want to be fully prepared or gather all of these items in high quantities, I still highly recommend trying some of these activities. Some of the coolest locations in the game are Guardian/Thargoid related and make for some fun exploring. It may even spark people's interest in learning more lore and getting involved in the current story.
Below is a list of data, materials, and commodities that I personally think could be used in the near future that deal with Thargoids (and where to find them). The items will include links to the wiki to show what they are currently used for, if anything. Included in brackets next to every item is the number that I personally gathered. You may adjust this number to whatever you would like, but more is always better in this case.
Before setting off, be sure to have a ship that has some sort of beam weapon (doesn't need to be powerful), at least 2 SRVS (4 is better) with synth materials, cargo racks for storage space, corrosive resistant cargo racks for caustic items, collector limpet controller with limpets, and multiple point defense turrets placed on top of your ship to protect your SRV from other ground targets.
Guardian Structure on Synuefe NL-N C23-4 Planet B 3 (This fantastic sitehas maps and more information about how to get materials, commodities, and data from items 1 to 12)
Guardian Power Cell [300] – gathered by shooting material towers while in SRV
Guardian Beacon in Synuefe KU-F b44-4 (or any other Guardian Beacon location foundheretowards the bottom of the page with instructions on how to complete)
Ancient Key [15] – gathered by activating the Beacon, scanning the core, and then collecting the key while in ship
Ancient Data Terminal Site on Synuefe EU-Q c21-15 Planet A 1 (or any other Ancient Data Terminal Site foundheretowards the top of the page with instructions on how to complete)
Guardian Vessel Blueprint Fragment [10] – gathered by activating the obelisks and delivering an Ancient Key (consumed) to the altar while in SRV
Thargoid Crash Site on HIP 17862 Planet 6 C A (Coordinates can be foundhere, but a DSS will find POI, be sure to have a ship withcorrosive resistant cargo rackto hold these items)
Thargoid Sensor [10] – gathered by searching center of crash site while in SRV
Sensor Fragment [100] – gathered by searching entirety of crash site while in SRV
Thargoid Resin [10] – gathered by searching center of crash site while in SRV
Non-Human Signal Sources threat 5 or 6 in Asterope (Asterope has very high concentrations of NHSS within 100ls of main star, but any system with a Thargoid presence will work).
Thargoid Probe [10] – gathered by dropping into the Signal Source, searching contacts panel for probe, and scooping it with cargo scoop or collector limpets before the Thargoid Interceptor can get to it first. No combat required, accept the Interceptor scan and then it will leave you alone as long as you don't get too close. They are very rare so be patient
Thargoid Wake Data [150] – gathered by using a wake scanner to scan a Thargoid Interceptors wake. Drop into a NHSS, let the Interceptor scan your ship, wait for it to gather materials, and then it will jump out. No combat required. Scan the wake for the data
Ship Flight Data [200] – gathered by using an AX Xeno Scanner to actively scan (no passive scan) any Thargoid variant. The easy, but time consuming way to do this is by dropping into a NHSS and scanning the Interceptor while it is scanning you. No combat required. Faster, but combat required method requires dropping into a NHSS threat 3 or 4 and then scanning all of the scouts. This data is not guaranteed, roughly 10% chance to get per scan. Need a fast ship with high shields to absorb hits and a decontamination limpet or way to overheat
Ship System Data [150] – gathered by using an AX Xeno Scanner to actively scan (no passive scan) any Thargoid variant. The easy, but time consuming way to do this is by dropping into a NHSS and scanning the Interceptor while it is scanning you. No combat required. Faster, but combat required method requires dropping into a NHSS threat 3 or 4 and then scanning all of the scouts. This data is not guaranteed, roughly 10% chance to get per scan. Need a fast ship with high shields to absorb hits and a decontamination limpet or way to overheat
Thargoid Ship Signature [200] – gathered by using an AX Xeno Scanner to actively scan (no passive scan) any Thargoid variant. The easy, but time consuming way to do this is by dropping into a NHSS and scanning the Interceptor while it is scanning you. No combat required. Faster, but combat required method requires dropping into a NHSS threat 3 or 4 and then scanning all of the scouts. This data is not guaranteed, roughly 10% chance to get per scan. Need a fast ship with high shields to absorb hits and a decontamination limpet or way to overheat
List ofThargoid Surface Sites, seen in Navigation tab as "Unknown Structure Scan", both Active and Inactive. The Inactive sites have many more Thargoid Uplink devices to find data, but the Thargoid Device cannot be accessed in them as it can be at the Active Sites. I suggest going to every site listed below to get all the data you can from these because I don't think they reset (if they do, it takes longer than 1.5 weeks because I checked back and still can't gather more data from the same uplink devices).Here is a videoexplaining how to get inside the main structure, how to get the Thargoid Link, and how to activate the Thargoid Device to convert the Guardian Relics into Unclassified Relics.
Mel 22 sector NX-U d2-31 | Planet 3 A | Active Mel 22 Sector UE-G B11-0 | Planet A 2 | Active Mel 22 Sector BV-P C5-2 | Planet 1 A | Active Mel 22 Sector TT-R C4-2 | Planet 3 A | Active HIP 19026 | B 1 C | Inactive Pleiades Sector OS-U c2-7 | 4 A | Inactive Aries Dark Region DB-X d1-63 | A 7 A | Inactive Col 285 Sector CV-Y d57 |AB 4 A | Inactive HIP 14909 | 2 A | Inactive Mel 22 Sector ZU-P c5-1 | 4 A | Inactive
Thargoid Material Composition Data [As much as possible] – gathered by scanning Thargoid Uplink Devices found around the inner ring of the surface sites (roughly 3 to 4 for active sites and 8 to 9 for inactive sites) as well as inside the main structure (3 to 4 inside the structure). Even the inactive sites have Uplink Devices that can be scanned through the walls if you get close enough while in SRV
Thargoid Residue Data [As much as possible] – gathered by scanning Thargoid Uplink Devices found around the inner ring of the surface sites (roughly 3 to 4 for active sites and 8 to 9 for inactive sites) as well as inside the main structure (3 to 4 inside the structure). Even the inactive sites have Uplink Devices that can be scanned through the walls if you get close enough while in SRV
Thargoid Structural Data [As much as possible] – gathered by scanning Thargoid Uplink Devices found around the inner ring of the surface sites (roughly 3 to 4 for active sites and 8 to 9 for inactive sites) as well as inside the main structure (3 to 4 inside the structure). Even the inactive sites have Uplink Devices that can be scanned through the walls if you get close enough while in SRV
Meta-Alloys [100] – gathered by shooting Thargoid Barnacles found spread around the main structure while in SRV
Thargoid Link [10] – gathered by going inside the main structure and traveling into one of the many "basements" which contain 3 Thargoid Links each. Shoot them just a few times to break them free to scoop while in SRV. They were glitched for me and would not come loose. I had to ram them with my SRV with my scoop deployed and luckily got a few
Unclassified Relic [6] – gathered by activating the Thargoid device with the 3 main Thargoid Components while in SRV (see this video for detailed instructions)
Command Building Data Ports in Military Odyssey Settlements (UseNearest- INARAto find with the settings Allegiance: Independent, Government: Anarchy, Economy: Military, Station Type: Surface Settlement (Odyssey)).
AX Combat Logs [15] – gathered by disabling settlement alarms and downloading from command building data ports
Xeno Defense Protocols [15] – gathered by disabling settlement alarms and downloading from command building data ports
I also recommend maxing out all normal Encoded Data by using theJameson Crash Site, Manufactured Materials by usingHigh Grade Emissions, and Raw Materials byCrystalline Shard farming. If you have Odyssey, then maxing out Chemicals, Circuits, and Tech is a good idea too. I did this by stacking 333 of the most valuable item in each category to trade around at a bar if needed. That turns out being the following:
Graphene [333] – gathered by looting surface settlements, typically found in AGRI, HAB, LAB, SEC, and RES buildings
Microelectrode [333] – gathered by looting surface settlements, typically found in Power Reactors, LAB, and RES buildings
Weapon Component [334] – gathered by looting surface settlements, typically found in Military command building lockers
Shameless link to my latest INARA entry which directly relates to this post.
o7 Commanders and I wish you all luck in the coming weeks!
It’s no surprise that as a primary attribute, agility is awesome as attack + attack speed compounds well, and agility attribute growth regardless of ...