Size is ~80 MB (with Workshop Tools installed). Although unlikely at this hour, more info will be edited in if it does become available.
There is one week left to go in the Nemestice Battle Pass, so the next time you launch the game, you'll be shown a full-screen reminder notifying you of this fact
Also, for week 8 quests, you'll get double the points for a potential 15,000 Battle Points in total
The Nemestice Battle Pass ends on 8/17/21 at 12:00 PM PDT/2:00 PM CDT/1900Z
If you were hoping to purchase a Battle Level Bundle for Nemestice, oop-it's already too late
Dragon Knight's Davion of Dragon Hold persona's model was tweaked to add one animation (dk_personna_battlepass_2021_end_reminder) for the full-screen reminder, which is almost exactly the same as dk_personna_battlepass_2021_hover but without the sword-raising and sword-lowering at each end of that animation for a cleaner loop