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Elite Dangerous Can’t Do More Than 32 Inputs Per Device – Solved – PSA

*I am just copy and pasting my comment from the daily Q&A so that anyone with this issue in the future can find this post*

Hello, Ive tried browsing forums and old reddit posts but none seem to have a conclusive answer.

I just got a HOTAS with two control panels running in slave mode, meaning that for example the throttle and panel one are technically one device, totaling 102 buttons, plus 76 on the flightstick + control panel totaling 178 buttons, now Ive tried doing the vJoy + Joystick Gremlin setup but the virtual inputs that add 70 buttons ontop of the windows capable first 32, reaching 102 seem to only register up to the first 32 "virtual buttons" on the "virtual device" totaling 64 inputs.

My real question is whether this is a limitation with windows, Elite Dangerous, or if Im just doing this wrong, or if I just need to create enough separate virtual devices to cover 178 inputs.

Thank you for any input (no pun intended)

EDIT: Solved – Yes I needed to create 5 virtual devices using vJoy ontop of the 2 physical devices at a max of 32 inputs each, in order to cover 178 inputs (could have done 4 but did 5 for organization) still don't know where the limitation actually lies though

Edit 2: The Limitation lies with Elite Dangerous

vJoy Download Page

Joystick Gremlin Download Page


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