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Equipment Rework (Sandbox) – Telescope gone for all Tanks except TD – Millions to pay for new Equipment

So I was spending some time on the sandbox server to take a look on the new Equipment. It was time to rework the whole equipment system, there were only few parts that were used by players, the other half was just garbage.

I was really excited cause i saw some screenshots and the whole rework looked so nice.

But than I noticed that, you cant mount telescope on the majority of the tanks anymore. It is only possible to mount it on TDs.


I mean i love the new equipment but that thing with the telescope? Really? Is it TD dominated meta again?

SU-130PM with telescope – 460m
ELC EVEN 90 with optics – 424m

idk, but i think something is wrong with this values. You got to run optics on every LT to make it competetive, so a wasted slot again?

So the light tanks cant barely spot more than the wheelies now? You cant passive spot on some positions anymore? I mean, i understand when you cant mount telescope on a HT, or on a Arty, its ok. But mediums and lights?

Maybe its just me, but a lot of my playstyle depends on telescope, in tanks like the mutz, like the Indien-Panzer, like the Obj. 416, Pilot, Centurion 5/1, or the Leopard.

Second thing is, i got 170 vehicles in the garage, lets just say i need about 80x some new equipment, i dont really counted all of the new stuff i need but thats a lot. Nearly every tank needs 1-2 new parts. so 80 x 500 000 = 40 000 000

40 fckn MILLION silver. And i just guessed, i assume it will be more that that. And guess what, you cant place the free-removable telescope or the camo net on 80 % of the tanks. BRAVO WG BRAVO. A new way to drown money for prem tanks and accounts.

Maybe it isnt that bad, and a lot of equipment seems really nice but it kinda feels wrong.

EDIT: some mistakes


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