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Fleet Carrier Outfitters are profitable

I thought I would post this because I've seen alot of misinformation. Perhaps Fdev changed something, or perhaps I'm missing something.

According to some reddit and forum posts, the "packages" system for buying modules is absolutely wrong and stupid. I'm here to explain it.

Since elite is a Sim, it makes sense that it simulates retail commerce as well. In the real world, when you purchase goods from a wholesaler, you get a discount proportional to the size of the order.

This is due to basic trends of commerce, it incentivises people to buy alot of something and then they retail it to individuals at an increased rate proportional to the demand.

I haven't tested to see what the rate is in Elite or if its constant across all packages, but even if you set your tariff to 0% you still incur a profit on each item sold.

To make matters even better, you can sell your unsold stock back to the FC administrator at 100% your purchase price, so even if you only sell a few modules you technically have turned a profit.

So there is a point to the outfiit mechanic, and if you can justify a high tariff or get alot of foot traffic. you stand to make quite a bit of cash.

I really like this as it means you have to have some business acumen to make the FC profitable.

It is not the case that the outfitter causes players to spend more just for convenience.

If I'm missing something, please let me know.


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