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FPS/Graphics tips.

As well as deleting the graphics config files and letting Odyssey rebuild them when it loads, I've found this helped:

Before attempting this, make sure you backup your Odessy GraphicsConfig first!
Simply, go into your "Elite DangerousProducts" folder, and copy the file "GraphicsConfiguration.xml" from the folder "elite-dangerous-64"
Then, paste the GraphicsConfiguration file into your "elite-dangerous-odyssey-64" folder.
Overwrite > You're all good to go.

I've found an increase of 10-15fps from doing this in Ground settlements, and on station concourses too.

I'm running on a i7 10750H, GTX1660Ti and 32Gb DDR4 Ram.

Further gains could well be possible by fiddling with the graphics settings in game i.e; lowering the model draw distance, reducing shadows and disabling bloom. But so far, this is the most of a boost I've had, and I've tried a fair few different things out.

Hope this helps some of those, who like me, have a lower-mid end machine.


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