A truly fabulous snapshot enters the arena! This snapshot brings fundamental changes to our rendering pipeline with the introduction of the brand new tech that is OpenGL Core 3.2. On top of that, we're finally introducing the Lush Caves biome. However, as with the Dripstone Caves, this is only available through creating a custom world.
There's an important note about this snapshot for those of you with older computers: With the introduction of OpenGL Core 3.2 there is a chance Minecraft Java will no longer run on computers that do not meet the minimum system requirements. Computers that meet the minimum system requirements should not be affected.
The Lush Caves underground biome now exists for use in single-biome worlds. It does not yet generate in other world types.
Moss covers the floors and ceilings
Spore Blossoms grow from the ceiling and drip particles
Contains clay pools with dripleaf plants grow out of them
Contains azalea bushes and flowering azalea bushes
The azalea tree loves to have its roots in lush caves, so if you find an azalea tree (either overground or in a cave) you know there is a lush cave beneath you
Cave vines with glow berries grow from the ceiling and light up the caves
Changes in 21w10a
Cobbled Deepslate can now be smelted into Deepslate.
Deepslate can now be placed along any axis
Lightning rods can now be waterlogged
Fossils in the deepest part of the underground generate with deepslate diamond ore instead of coal ore
Smaller diamond blobs, but slightly more frequent. Less diamond ore overall though
Less iron, and it generates lower down
Reduced air exposure for coal
Technical Changes in 21w10a
The game now runs using OpenGL 3.2 core profile
The maximum size that slimes can be summoned with is now 128
The give command can only give up to 100 stacks of items at a time (e.g. 6400 stone or 100 iron swords)
Rendering is now using OpenGL 3.2 core profile. All fixed function rendering has been replaced with shader based rendering.
Shaders are now included for all supported render states. Any shader except for the blit shader can also be replaced in resource packs. For now replacing these shaders is not officially supported and the way it works may change in the future.
The current rendering engine uses a system similar to the post processing shader pipeline. There are some differences between both system that cater to the slightly different requirements.
Bugs fixed in 21w10a
MC-29318 – Client misses inventory updates while player is manipulating items – causes invisible items
MC-84121 – Shape of glow effect is based on mob's base layer
MC-87019 – Only visible slots are updated clientside when you are inside an inventory
MC-154094 – Lectern running /clear turns items into ghost items
MC-175964 – Setblock command run by book in lectern to clear inventory run in command block causes ghost items
MC-201316 – The /give command can create so many items that the game will freeze
MC-207818 – Placing a sign from the offhand closes the sign UI immediately
MC-208301 – /clear does not properly affect the item on the mouse pointer after crafting it
MC-210408 – /spawnpoint allows players to set their spawnpoint to out-of-bounds coordinates, which crashes the game when trying to respawn
MC-216765 – Coal ore can generate below Y=0 when attached to a fossil
MC-216817 – Inconsistency: Cobbled deepslate cannot be smelted back into deepslate
Get the Snapshot
Snapshots are available for Minecraft Java Edition. To install the snapshot, open up the Minecraft Launcher and enable snapshots in the "Installations" tab.
Testing versions can corrupt your world, please backup and/or run them in a different folder from your main worlds.
If you want to know what else is being added and changed in the Caves & Cliffs update, check out the previous snapshot post. For the latest news about the Nether Update, see the previous release post.
The other day i noticed a street light was on near fortress/crackhouse on Customs you could see the torch like glow and it looked to be illuminating ...