Passive (Swift Mend): After 2 seconds when not taking damage, restores 1 health every 2 seconds. Increased base running speed of 5%.
Tactical (Stim): Move 30% faster for 6 seconds (also affects ADS movement & climb speed). Costs 8 health to use. Immune to slows and stagger when active. Octane also uses his stim to reviving a teammate (the teammate moves 10% faster for 5 seconds when revived).
Ultimate (Launch Pad):Deploy a jump pad that restores 15 shields to everyone & Octane and his allies reloads 30% faster with their guns (while only in the air) when catapulting up to 2 legends through the air.
If there are any problems or more improvement suggestions with my post, let me know in the comments
Octane has a lot of strengths as an independent legend but not a lot as a legend that revolves around teamwork which is what this buff idea is about.
For his passive ability, his passive (self healing) is quite mediocre as before as it would take 26 seconds to recover the health lost from 1 stim which takes too long and with the change it would take 18 seconds to recover health lost from 1 stim. As well as, a new increased speed buff of 5% would give Octane the fastest base movement speed of all heroes as he is the ‘Speed Demon’.
For his tactical ability, I didn’t see the point in changing the speed buff as with the passive speed buff he would move 35% faster which would make him the fastest legend in the game without octane being too fast with a crazy speed buff of like 50% which is too much. As well as, the health cost of using stim was too much so I reduced it of 8 health per stim. This many not sound like that good of a buff but its effective e.g. when using 40 health on stim, would allow for 4 stims but with my buff when using 40 health on stim, would allow for 5 stims. Also, being immune and stagger would help with octane offensive and speed potential and with octane using stim to reviving a teammate would help octane’s team utility.
For his ultimate ability, it has the most team utility potential but anyone who uses it is at a complete disadvantage due to opponents being able to predict trajectory and massive hit box size. With my buff, it allows people to engage or escape enemies with extra shields which would allow survival to Octane and his allies or enemies. Finally, an exclusive buff to Octane and is allies that are able to reload guns faster when using the launch pad would definitely help in offensive plays for Octane & his allies.