Please note, I'm not sure it was Odyssey, and am not BLAMING anyone at the moment…just posting as a PSA in case anyone else had something similar happen. It may simply be coincidental.
Today went to play Odyssey; had the Steam-installed Launcher open, upon clicking the "Play" button when the screen normally goes black briefly as the game mode kicks in (I play fullscreen-borderless), instead my graphics card just apparently died – main monitor went into 'sleep' mode. Lo and behold in Device Manager my card was marked 'Disabled'. (I have a small GT710 secondary card also in the machine pushing 2 small monitors inside my case, which were now my only portal into the PC, heh.)
After several tries I've been able to get it re-enabled, clean out all drivers and reinstall. For a while was having the issue where the monitor worked but couldn't open Radeon drivers, even went thru a BIOS corruption issue during the multiple reboot attempts.
About to try Odyssey again…wish me luck. (I have played the Update 10.03 hotfix before today's events…)