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Open letter to the devs; Subject: The next step for Apex(pls notice this devs)

I like your(By you I mean the devs ie Respawn) game. A lot.

And I seriously respect all the things you've done for the game(not all. More like 90%). I like the lore, tho I wanted it to unfold more(hope the pathfinder book gives us more answers).

Right now there are a lot of negative comments in this subreddit that the next season should drop already and the devs are lazy af for not doing anything.

I am shocked to see that people have become so impatient and ungrateful towards you guys. Five years ago a single multiplayer map in many multiplayer games used to cost 5$. Weapon skins? Well the weapon itself costed bucks. But now many developers like you are endlessly making content upon content. And it's pretty good too. Now, sure those kind of microtransactions were unreasonable but I think the definition of "reasonable" is stretched. People always keep wanting new stuff every single week now and I think this is starting to get unreasonable.

The solution to this, well it's not really a solution but it's something I and I think most of the fanbase wanted anyway. But scroll down much further and don't read the following paragraphs if you just want to cut to the chase and not listen to me praise another game which isn't titanfall 2(I do love it tho. Pls make another one for next gen).

So, I used to and still play this game called team fortress 2. It was created by VALVe(who also created the left for dead, portal and half life series). This game has a LOT of flaws. It's code is outdated and now it's overrun by bots. But I love this game a lot(even more than apex and I have good reason to). So do a lot of people.

Even after VALVe just abandoned this game for THREE whole years, its still in the list of the most played games on Steam. Now compare this to something like apex, where people go apeshit just because the devs didn't add new content into the game for a week.

Now, while Team fortress 2 was and still is a mess, it did a lot of things right which is still keeping it alive like the lore and the mercs personalities, the gameplay(tho critical hits still makes the game even more rng than apex), the nostalgia factor and the fact that you can say whatever shit you want and can votekick others for doing so(Now I don't regret apex not having this. Not every game should turn into a 4chan board).

But I think one of the aspects that kept that game alive for three years were the community servers and the workshop.

Community servers might be the only thing that brought me back to tf2 all these years. I definitely wouldn't have been around long it. And there are so many modes in the community servers!

Mario kart maps, Mario party maps, Rocket jumpmaps, Surfmaps, vs Saxton hale, X10, x100 crits, MvM mods, Zombies fortress and loads and loads of Minecraft themed maps.

And this is not only for TF2, OW also has loads of gamemodes(although unlike Team fortress you can't really create your own maps using hammer), Mario maker and geometry dash are still famous only because of the community and there are many more games with community support.

I really think apex could benefit a lot from workshops and community servers. I'm not saying this move will attract millions of new players but this will definitely extend apex's lifespan a lot. And I believe that's what you guys want. Apex could easily last for over 10 years with a cult following.

I like the gamemodes you create, like the always closing ring mode(which was my second fav mode in the grand soireé event and it's going to be fun playing it again now). But this is restrictive. You try to make these modes as balanced as possible to appeal to everyone but it doesn't really push the boundaries of the game and actually give people what they actually want. Like, I want a gamemode where you only play solo and you can only chose pathfinder and there is no grapple cooldown and you only get krabers and this occurs only in Capitol city in world's edge. Would you really put this gamemode into the game.

Or for example I want a gamemode where everyone has no ability cooldown and Bangalore's and Gibraltar's ultimate will just keep raining down artillery at a very large range and bombard all players. Is it balanced in any way. Obviously not. Here, I'm just giving preferential treatment to Gibby and bangalore and wraith. So this is where community servers step in and help me fulfill my dream gamemode.

I truly believe that this community has so much potential. But now, I don't think they're being used at the fullest potential. Yeah, Blender arts are beautiful as hell but I think the community should actually be involved with the game.

Also, creating something like workshops and community servers, also helps youtubers to create more content. You see, after VALVe stopped updating team fortress 2, many tf2 youtubers started playing other games like minecraft, fortnite, etc. But some still stayed and created content. But even apex youtubers are struggle a bit to make content if there are no events in the game so how would youtubers create content for a "supposedly" dead game?
Community servers were one of the main topics that helped tf2bers stay afloat. People reviewed other absolutely insane maps and sometimes even made them.

Now, I'm sorry for mentioning TF2(that is not titanfall 2) on this sub and chances are that this post might even be removed but I've been thinking about posting this for the last two months and I really hope people read this and post their opinion on the introduction of community servers and workshops in the game.

Most of all, I hope you(the devs) read this and post your opinion on this.


(Pls don't search my username. Just because I like apex doesn't mean I don't suck ass at playing it).


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