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Operation: Halcyon Status Report – Day 3 – Kingfisher Xeno Peace Megaship Repair Initiative (Community Event)

James Tyler, Commodities Specialist aboard the YKE Drimo [V4W-L9N], has released a statement on behalf of the Board of Directors, regarding Operation: Halcyon's recent success:

Official Document
Original Post
Community Event Calendar
Discord Server

"We were not anticipating this many participants. Carrier crew have been working overtime to allocate the necessary space and resources needed for the amount of survivors that arrived. We've positioned 2,000+ Occupied Escape Pods into comfortable locations within the ship's cargo hold, with the intention of being as ethical as possible to those rescued. This carrier is not outfitted to open, or rescue pods on their own and we will need to wait through the allocated time before we may proceed to the Andavandul system."

Nearly the entire crew of the Kingfisher!

"Ship traffic reports indicate that over 50+ Commanders have entered the region, with many new faces joining into the fight towards peace. This is exciting especially considering our recent victory alongside our partners in the California Nebula. We remain optimistic that our resolve will convince the Pilot's Federation to support our cause, and provide us the resources necessary to pursue inter-species diplomacy. So long as we get their attention. It may take a long time, but most of us are willing to hold firm and see that change realized."

"The work being done here has really changed the tone onboard the Drimo. Many people here now feel a sense of hope, excited by the prospect that the Kingfisher may actually come back online. As Dr. Elias Pope once said, standing aboard the Kingfisher's deck:"

'If only we had a sign, that our efforts meant something.'

"As for Ms. Seo, little is known as to where she could be. Her ability to interface with Thargoid technology would be vital to inter-species communications development. An envoy on our behalf is searching to make contact."

"A Peace Advocacy Petition will be submitted to the Pilot's Federation on Feb 11th, following the conclusion of the event. 48 Commanders have signed on so far, with the results being visible on the Official Document linked above. We will need Galnet to support Phase 2 of the initiative if we wish to achieve our goal. For those interested in being on this petition, please contact CMDR Dylan D for help."


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