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PSA for New Explorers who enjoy immersion: Solo Play for travel to major landmarks

Hey Commanders!

Edit: Unfortunately, Fleet Carriers are apparently still present in Solo Play. Thankfully, they can be filtered out of your contact options. This is the way.

I just wanted to post a PSA for pilots like me who may be new or returning after some time, and enjoy exploration. You still get achievements for 'First Footfall' and discoveries while in Solo play, so long as you're the first pilot to turn in the exploration data back in inhabited space.

I finally made it to Galactic Centre last night for the first time, but the experience was soured a bit by the presence of at least a dozen Fleet Carriers with pretty childish and embarrassing names. If immersion is your thing, I'd really recommend avoiding Open Play when you're going to well-known nebulae, black holes, and other landmarks in the Galaxy. Save yourself the immature listings in your 'Contacts' screen!

And fly dangerously!


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