For those that don't know (bear with me for those that do), you can farm certain grade 5 manufactured materials from certain high grade emissions. Which material you get from a HGE depends on the allegiance and state of a system. The list below shows you which ones you can get.
Please be aware, that if your in a Federal system, that is in a Boom state, then any of the 5 types of materials you can get from federal or boom systems may spawn in a HGE.
Yesterday I was in a Imperial system that was in a state of War, so I should of came across Imperial Shielding, Military Grade Alloys or Military Supercapacitors…. Instead I got Core Dynamics Composites and Proprietary Composites (this system also had 2 navigation beacons, male of that what you will).
Today, I am in a Independent system that is in a state of war, so I should only get Military Grade Alloys or Military Supercapacitors spawning in HGE's… I just got Proto Heat Radiators.
This makes the long grind for manufactured materials ever worse than what it already is. While some seem to be working (I got Imperial Shielding in a Imperial system) I currently cannot target accurately which materials I need. Great stuff.
The new cards are very enjoyable so far, yet one card combo seems poorly balanced IMO. For only 4+5 provisions, NG gets another thinning package that ...