Rental Codes for Premium Tanks (Frontline) 2020

A stands for the left answer-possibility and B for the one on the right side. Enjoy!

A -> A -> A -A = M41 90MM; Code: IAMM41902020

A-> B -> B ->B = Strv S1; code: IAMSTRVS12020

A -> B -> A -> A = LT432; code: IAMLT4322020

A -> A -> B -> A = T26E5, code: IAMT26E52020

A- A -A -B = 50TP PRot, code: IAM50TP2020

A ->B -> B -> A = Skorpion G; code: IAMSKORPION2020

A -> A -> B -> B = Löwe; code: IAMLOWE2020

A B A B = Progetto; code: IAMPROGETTO2020

B-B-B-B = TS5; code: IAMTS52020

B-A-A-A = ELC EVEN90; code: IAMELCEVEN2020

B-A-A-B = T92LT; code: IAMT92LT2020

B-A-B-A = AMXm449; code: IAMM4492020

B-B-A-A = Mauerbrecher; code: IAMMAUERBRECHER2020

B-B-B-A = Kanonenjpz 105; code: IAMKJP1052020

B-B-A-B = Turtle Mk1; code: IAMTURTLE2020

B-A-B-B = SomuaSM; code: IAMSOMUA2020


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