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Rule 7: Cheating, Exploits, and Piracy.


For the record, I would love to assemble a band of turbojacked cannibal gorilla-men, find every cheater, consume them to fuel our unfathomable gains, cast their remains into the bog, and claim their women and other possessions for ourselves*. We do not agree with cheating and it has never been our intention to protect them in any way.

After consideration, I agree with some of the complaints about rule 7 and I have gone in and removed the line about videos demonstrating cheats being used.

Hopefully this allows the conversation about the cheating issues to open up a bit.

This does not mean it is okay to post videos directly from a cheat distributor's youtube (because that's literally advertising for them duh).

As long as the rules about reposting, witch hunting, and cheat advertisement are followed, videos should no longer be removed for the basis of included cheats alone.

Here is the link for the ONLY official reporting method for cheaters (meaning don't post here on this sub and expect anything to happen). I will encourage all mods to include this link on any rule breaking cheat-related post to help guide users who don't know about this to the right place.

*in minecraft.


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