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Season 2 Details – Repost from GamesRadar

Since I couldn't find any details on here regarding the recent release of Season 2 information, I've copied and pasted this post from

(Doing this on mobile, so sorry for lack of formatting)


Apex Legends Season 2 release date
The Apex Legends Season 2 release date has been revealed finally, and it's confirmed to start on July 2. Apex Legends Season 2 is called "Battle Charge" – as opposed to Season 1's Wild Frontier – and while we haven't been able to see all of the new skins and updates, Respawn has revealed a considerable number of details in the EA Play stream at E3 2019.

-Wattson is the new legend for Season 2
Apex Legends Wattson

Apex Legends Wattson is the brand new Legend coming in Season 2, and as expected, she's all about electrical abilities. Her tactical ability creates a mobile laser barrier to block off areas which teammates can pass through. It benefits players who really know the map and can be used in a variety of ways, perhaps to trap players outside of the safe area or defend a building you’re camping in. You can place 12 nodes at a time wherever you want. Her ult is essentially a trophy from Call of Duty that destroys any incoming projectiles like grenades, and if you’re in its radius, your tactical ability will recharge quicker.

Finally, Wattson’s passive means any Ultimate Accelerants used instantly recharge her ultimate to 100%. If you stack Ultimate Accelerants throughout the course of a match, you can place down an absolute shed load of electric fences and have a serious advantage going into the tail end of a match.

-The L-STAR is a brand new energy weapon
Apex Legends L-STAR

Coming during Apex Legends Season 2 is the L-STAR plasma rifle, which is exclusive to care packages like the Mastiff and the Kraber. It's a fast-firing automatic gun that can knock down doors, putting it in an exclusive club with melee attacks and grenades. The L-STAR was first seen in Titanfall 2 and has been teased for over two months at this point to come to Apex Legends, since one (un?)lucky player discovered an L-STAR skin in a loot box way before they were meant to.

Daily and weekly challenges give you more to do
The rewards for Apex Legends' first season were surprisingly austere, but even worse, they weren't much fun to earn. It boiled down to "just play more" and maybe swap characters every now and then to take advantage of the Apex Legends Legend Bonus. That's going to change when Apex Legends season 2 adds both daily and weekly challenges to the game. Don't worry, you'll be able to go back and finish the weekly challenges for the full season after they're unlocked.

"While we don’t want to introduce wacky challenges that drastically warp the way you play the game, these challenges should provide some interesting variation from game-to-game," lead product manager Lee Horn explained. "This means all players should feel more rapid Battle Pass progression and the journey will hopefully be more fun and interesting. Also, this addition should allow players who can only dedicate a few hours a week to the game to make a very deep cut into their Battle Pass progression."

-Weapon buffs will be coming to shake up the meta, including the Mozambique

Some weapon buffs will be making their way to the game during Apex Legends Season 2, though we don't know exactly what any of them will be. However, the infamous Mozambique – the most memeable weapon from any video game – is going to be buffed via the use of a hop-up, which will supposedly "make it usable". Yeah, we'll believe the Apex Legends Mozambique buff when we see it.

-More Legendaries and enough crafting metals to make your own
– Apex Legends Season 2 Caustic Legendary Skin

The Apex Legends Season 2 Battle Pass will feel way more, y'know, Legendary. Folks who buy the premium version will be able to earn five Legendary items as they roll from rank 1 to 100 with "a nice balance of cool character exclusives and cosmetics for everyone (like weapon skins)". The final Legendary reward will be an evolving weapon skin with a recolored variant at level 110. The pass will even include 1,200 Crafting Metals (replacing new voice lines), which is enough to create another Legendary of your own choosing.

New cosmetic types, AKA way fewer badges
The first Battle Pass was packed with an astoundingly uninteresting array of badges and seasonal stat trackers. Earning one just made you wish you could've picked up almost anything else instead, like some Crafting Metals or some stamps at the store. Apex Legends season 2 got wise: it will offer only one badge that will evolve as you progress. All the seasonal win trackers will be in the free version of the Pass, and all of the trackers can be earned by Level 10.

-Are limited time modes coming to Apex Legends?

Right at the start of the Apex Legends EA Play showcase, the term "map events" was used to tease even more new things coming in Season 2. This could mean one of three things: Apex is introducing limited time modes to the game next season in the same style as Fortnite, they're bringing dynamic map changes and a story element to the game (also like Fortnite does), or they're simply introducing a new map in general.

At the very end of the 30-minute showcase, a huge eye was teased as some characters dove through the sky. This was the only teaser we got, so our theory is that it was a Leviathan eye – the same huge monsters stood in the water to the south-east of the map. Leviathans have been a thing throughout all of Titanfall and they would make sense here, although the eye may have been too big even for that idea. Either way, it looks like Respawn are working on a lot of new content to pull players back in ready for Season 2.


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