Hi there!
We are working on the MVP of our game and let you know about our progress in the near future:
– General logic for items, accessibility with level, purchase, item list.
– Repair level for the user.
– Logic to update data when time expires (for workshop, etc).
– Logic for the list of items for the backpack, display of blocked items.
– Logic for locking items, removing items
– Bosses/dragons: logic for attacking a boss together, displaying a list of bosses
– Bosses/keys locking logic. Choice of battle time, dependence of boss health points on time.
According to our rough estimate, the first version of MVP will be in about 1.5-2 weeks.
On the development side of the blockchain part:
– We are working on the possibility of vesting the token and releasing the CONV token into the main NEAR network.
– Transmission and receipt of all tokens has already been implemented in the NEAR test network.
Nothing to show yet except a successful transaction, but that will change soon =)
Keep safe!
Source: https://www.reddit.com/r/NFTGames/comments/v7ktta/we_are_working_on_the_mvp_of_our_game/