What is on your E:D bucket list?
One of my favorite things to do in Elite is set my goals and complete them in my own time. Most games funnel you into a specific path, but in Elite I ...
One of my favorite things to do in Elite is set my goals and complete them in my own time. Most games funnel you into a specific path, but in Elite I ...
Ship interiors offer excellent gameplay opportunities for the game but I worry that without enough discussion of these FDev will not prioritise ...
TLDR at the bottom
As you know, Mage Slayer is a pretty bad item right now. I've had a pretty lenghty conversation about it with my guild mates ...
Hey Valve, at this point you folks should know that it was a dick move to lock arcana winners into the bp. The outrage for the past week plus the ...
I want to share a thought about Armour in this game: you need to progress to make better armour which is fine, but a bit lackluster imo.
I liked ...
Right I like STW alot. I used to play it and could never understand why I stopped. But now I remember.
I had a good game with a guy and we built a ...
I haven't seen this talked about much, so in case this is news to anyone, here you go.
Each G5 heavy duty 1D hull module increases all 3 hull ...
With the upcoming patch the sub activity is going to sky rocket so we would like to make this announcement to try and prep the subreddit as best as ...
Welcome to Teacher Tuesday, a thread where anyone can ask any type of question without the fear of getting deathly glares by a passing Blaster! ...
Gonna start off by saying I'm probably gonna get downvoted into oblivion.
Man, I didn't know arty was so hated when I first started ...
Here's a tool I created to help track hideout progress. I posted it before the wipe last time and received positive feedback. Seeming the wipe ...
Just want to ask all of you, what is your experience with playing after 1.13? Do you see it same/similar as I do, or it's just my bad luck?