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3rd attempt at a play through and I’m having a lot more fun this time.

Walheim - five bosses

Firstly I would just like to say this game is awesome and I can’t wait for the full release and new content I’ve read briefly about.

So anyway this is my 3rd attempt at beating the game. My first attempt was right when the game released and I got to the mountains. I was playing solo but trying to rush the game ( buildings looked like crap, main base was a smorgasbord of nonsense and I teleported ores ) I ended up quitting for reasons I don’t remember.

About a month ago I started my second attempt with a friend as neither us beat the game on our first attempt. We spent lots of time building and having lots of fun. I really grew to enjoy building and planning out base layouts. He hasn’t been online in a few weeks due to work and other things. Hope we can continue this playthrough but I’m not really holding my breath.

For my 3rd attempt I decided while my friends away I’ll play a solo attempt while he’s gone seeing I want to actually beat the game and finish before February cuz dying light 2 and elden ring release.

So this 3rd playthrough has been almost as fun as the one with my friend. I’m taking my time building and planning and exploring. I didn’t just rush past bronze like in previous attempts. It feels way more immersive to play the game like your actually in it and how you would live it.

TLDR: the game can be just as fun solo as it is with friends. Take ur time and build thing your proud of. Explore the map it’s huge. Immerse yourself in the game it’s a lot funner that way.


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