90 Days into ED and all I got was this lousy boat!


To be fair, I work from home and work has been deadly slow the last 3 months. So – don't tell my boss – but basically I've been getting paid lately to play this game for 8 hours a day. That's also how I justified the grinds to myself – 'quit whining! you're getting PAID to do this fool!'

Guess what I missed in all of my hours of research? Ugh … 2 1/2 weeks ago it dawned on me so I'm correcting that oversight. This is a good boat though, that dog will most definitely hunt!

Feel free to unload on me, I readily admit that I've been gifted a lot of time to get where I am. Or let me know if there's something else I may have overlooked. As always, I appreciate you stopping by to spend a little time with me, Commander. o7

Source: https://www.reddit.com/r/EliteDangerous/comments/o6d3iv/90_days_into_ed_and_all_i_got_was_this_lousy_boat/

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