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A discussion about the current behaviour score system

Windranger DOTA 2 Hero phantom lancer

6.5k-10k behaviour score – insta find games, generally everyone is PMA and tries to play without any negative or toxic behaviour.

<6.5k behaviour score – 10min-1hour+ searches for games, same hidden pool of low behaviour score players who grief and ruin etc.

This is my experience in both behavior score brackets, and for the most part I think that's how it should be if you rightfully lose enough behaviour score to go under 6.5k.

Now the issue I have with the behaviour score system is that it is too easy to decrease in score, but impossibly hard to increase it without grinding turbo games etc.

For example, 1 abandon will cause you to lose 1k behaviour score. I understand that abandoning ruins games, however it is not always related to the players bad behaviour. Many people cannot reconnect due to internet problems. So why do those people need to lose behaviour score and end up playing in a hidden pool of players who are actually toxic and griefing games?

My experience was being around 8.5k, and losing around 1.9k score in just 15 games (1 summary) because I abandoned a game due to internet issues. Once I got to around 6k behaviour score, it took me 30mins + to find a ranked game, and when I did it was the same pool of players who are mostly game ruiners in one way or another.

What I noticed is that you need 15positive games (no reports in 15 games for comms, game play etc) to gain around 600-700 behaviour score. Even if you have 13-14 positive games, and 1-2 reported games, even for comms report, you will gain only 100 behaviour score. And the problem is even if you don't grief or abuse comms, when you lose a ranked game (especially higher mmrs) your team will be angry at you and report you anyway. This puts you in a never ending cycle of low behaviour score.

I think the solution is very simple.

  1. Behaviour score should be related to behaviour. Griefing, feeding, cheating, all these things which are reported in-game, which can be verified via the overwatch system. Once a player is convicted of actual bad behaviour in a game, then deduct their behaviour score accordingly.
  2. Communication reports are a joke at the moment. You get plenty to give out and are used to out of spite to your teammates when you lose, even if you didn't abuse comms. I even saw CCnC on stream report Timado after he last picked Morph in a free win game, which shows even pros are susceptible to doing this too. Currently they affect behavior score and should be changed to a player being muted in games for a period of time if too many comms abuse reports.
  3. Abandons are sometimes due to bad behaviour (giving up on a game and leaving), but a lot of the times it's due to bad internet and people want to reconnect but cannot. Abandons should result to x amount of low priority games and NOT effect behaviour score. (unless there is a system which can verify whether a player genuinely disconnected or just left on purpose)

I'm sure a lot of people reading this post is 10k behaviour score so cannot relate at all, but for those who know…you know how bad this current behaviour score system is. At the moment for me it is unplayable. Play 15 solo ranked games = lose behaviour score due to petty reports. So I have to balance it out with grinding Turbo games. Should dota really be like this?


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