A lot of heroes require buffs, reworks and some of them need fixes, so here is part 3: FIXES

My previous parts:

  • Gia

PROBLEM: Her perk doesn't work on any other class than outlanders

FIX: Make her perk work on every hero class.

  • Blakebeard The Blackhearted

PROBLEM: His perk doesn't increase thedamage for broadsides, cannonball based launchers, and cannonball grenades obtained from his team perk's stash. On top of his ability damage modifier being too low to the point any ninja will deal more cannonball damage than him being on command.

FIX: Buff constructor's ability damage modifier in general. And fix blakebeard's damage not boosting anything cannonball based.

  • Ragnarok

PROBLEM: His support perk says it deals decreased damage, but in reality, it increases damage.

FIX: Obviously, make his perk state it is boosting damage.

  • Mermonster Ken

PROBLEM: His perk is set to negative. Which means he deals -55% damage. And since minus doesn't work here, he basically deals 0% extra damage even if you went low on your health

FIX: Make his perk work properly basically.

Let me know if there are any other heroes that need a fix.

Source: https://www.reddit.com/r/FORTnITE/comments/17fkqrh/a_lot_of_heroes_require_buffs_reworks_and_some_of/

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