A perspective on the Fortnite metaverse.

In just half a decade, Fortnite went from being a cookie-cutter, generic battle royale infested to the brim with whiny, spoiled, annoying children, to a shooter that is home to the greatest multiverse in the history of media, with a playerbase of people who can actually appreciate the surreal piece of pop art that is the Fortnite metaverse. Yep, I just said what I said. The metaverse really is a thing that humans don’t know all that much about. By playing modern-day Fortnite, one can easily tell that it was clearly something from one of the most complex minds on our planet, intended for a species much more civilized and advanced than our own. The sad thing is, most Fortnite players really cannot appreciate just how beautiful, just how, avant-garde the game (Which is really too simple a title for such an absurd piece of pop art) that they are playing is. Come to think of it, I think it’s really dangerous that Donald Mustard and the masterminds at Epic Games would release something so ahead of it’s time to the general public. It really is like something out of a sci-fi movie. Who knows what would happen if something like this got into the wrong hands? And that leaves me thinking. What is the meaning behind all of this? Surely, there has to be a meaning behind this metaverse, that’s so surreal, so beautiful, so nostalgic yet neotoric, so avant-garde, so dadaist, etc etc. I for one view it as a slam on the war in Ukraine. The collaborations all symbolize joy, perserverence, and love, while the game itself is a battlefield.

Source: https://www.reddit.com/r/FORTnITE/comments/11cy3cd/a_perspective_on_the_fortnite_metaverse/

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