Was out to a res last night where I encountered a true pirate; Cmdr TheTurkeyChicken (hope o got that right)
Opened with a friendly greeting requesting 10t of cargo and a lovely warning rail shot to get my attention. I promptly acquiesced by delivering 2 volleys from my newly acquired imperial hammers and it was on.
A bit of back and forth….ok a lot of back and forth, left us both out of ammo so we tipped hats and parted ways.
This was my first real PVP that wasn’t me as a noob getting two shotted by a pack of FDLs and you know what? It was fuckin awesome. Thanks for some of the best moments I’ve had yet in my 1.5yrs in this game. If you’re reading this, that was a lot of fun. I’m pretty sure you were playing with me a bit in your seemingly impenetrable sidewinder but was a great time all the same. Hope to see you out in the black again.
- Cmdr Peter Eston
Source: https://www.reddit.com/r/EliteDangerous/comments/18bdbw1/a_real_pirate/