About the new upcoming changes…

witcher gwent cards

ST Symbiosis-LETS GO, I love this archetype but it was already in the meta and those are some big buffs

Spotter-It’s a good change although the card will still get spammed and still be op (at least it’s better for control decks now)

Imprisonment-I’m happy about any NG nerfs

Sove-warriors will be viable but unplayable in the meta now imo

Igni and Yrden-(my comment on a different post):

“Oh no now I can’t play yrden as last say and need 3 other cards in hand” My brother in Christ yrden was mostly effective in long rounds and it’s the same now, you can still play it for over 20 points against boosty decks: NR knights, NG knights, Harmony, Symbiosis, a couple other decks with some cards that can have over 15 boost on them. Against all of these you can still play yrden and fuck them up very hard.
Now you can’t brainlessly play it last and win but as late as possible or in the perfect timing, like when next round 3Nr knights are going to activate grace Next turn.
Igni will still play for extreme points in some situations but it’s harder to set up so I think it’s a great change.

MO wild hunt-I don’t think it was needed?

NR reavers-YES, Hunters are too op, scouts are very good with NR cards(I think it’s a good change),
Kenneth and Rod(or something like that) didn’t see much play I think, but it’s a interesting card that seems fun. Overall the “spamming of soldiers” is a wholesome archetype except Reaver Hunters so I hope to see cintrian guards and revenants more.


Traheaern-Sure? Didn’t see much play

Alba pikeman-Sure, why not

Sigi-I didn’t see it get abused but it’s still a good card

Guerilla tactics-I really like this


Reckless Flury-I don’t like this

Patricidal Fury-I think that’s a great buff (not too big)

Source: https://www.reddit.com/r/gwent/comments/yosh8d/about_the_new_upcoming_changes/

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