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Accessibility Feature: Cycling snap-point combinations via key-press?

How to build a large and tall house in Valheim

For folks who have trouble with the construction system, would it be easier for you to build if the game had a key that just cycled the building piece you're building, around it's snap points and the connecting building piece you have the cursor hovering above, skipping any combination that the game considers invalid? If you want to return to using the mouse to choose placement, all that would be needed was for the game to recognize mouse movement to exit this "Forced cycle" mode for building piece placements.

My wife (who, oddly enough, works for an architecture firm) finds the "free-mousing with hot-spot snapping" very counter-intuitive because her instincts keep telling her to treat the Hammer like some sort of AutoCAD mode, and sadly the game doesn't quite fit that behaviour. Combine it with sometimes very low lighting and sometimes hostile mobs distracting her mid-build and she hates trying to build a structure under any kind of time-pressure.


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