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Almost a year out from release, what are people’s thoughts on the state of the game?

How to build a large and tall house in Valheim

So, I don't want to sound negative, because this is a lovely little game especially given the price.

However, does anyone else feel a bit let down by the current state of things? The road map was very ambitious, and certainly its hard to expect them to follow through with all of it in just one year. For a relatively simple game one small content drop in a year after such a big release is a real letdown, though, in my opinion. The "lots of bugs to fix" defense really starts to fall flat with the amount of money they made, considering its been 7 months since they made that excuse. As I've always understood from other games, "content" developing and "bugfixing" seems to always be handled by different teams- though this is just my layman understanding, and I certainly could be wrong.

Checking the road map now, the next "big" content is Mistlands, the unfinished zone we can currently explore, and we're slated to get mountain caves "early 2022." Its just a little underwhelming, the dungeons we currently have are really basic, so mountain dungeons might just be more of the same, but with wolves.

It just feels like with the insane burst of popularity and money, we should have a little more by now, or at least more transparency with the developers. At this point, are people still working on this? Is the original crew just living it up? Sales will never, ever be like that release month, what does that information do to a dev team?


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